Citytrip 2: Not very touristy, methinks…
Hey D,
Yesterday. Standing in the middle of an agglomeration of construction, meaning; I am surrounded by tall dark buildings. They differ in hight, but build with the same material. No logic regarding to the layout of this housing system…
Like a compact forest of enormous repetition. Eccentric, mysterious…but somehow pleasing to the eye…
This towering city seems like a sleepy place, though. I’ve been hoping to bump into some regular people; As you know, I like to do terraces, enjoying a coffee, watch people passing by, having some chit chat…but none of that!
Maybe I’ve chosen the wrong time of day for casual conversation and observation? Where is EVERYBODY? Maybe there is something to do, somewhere else?…not very touristy, methinks.
Having a coffee…on my own…accompanied by a bunch of gigantic, sinister and deafeningly silent structures…is not my ideal for an afternoon out…
>>>ps; …and here is SOMEONE ELSE, feeling a bit lost…